CeDiploma FAQs

Where do I go to get access to my CeDiploma?

You can obtain your CeDiploma through the student portal which has a direct link to CeCredential Trust, a third party vendor of the University.

Can I obtain an electronic copy of my diploma if I graduated prior to Spring 2015?

Currently CeDiplomas are only available for University of Florida Spring 2015 graduates and forward.

Can I download the CeDiploma? Can I send it via email to others?

Yes, you can download a digitally signed copy of your CeDiploma. You can then email it to anyone you desire, and it will retain the Adobe Digital Signature and CeDiD for validation purposes.

How do I know if the CeDiploma I received is valid?

There are two ways to validate your electronic diploma. (This also is noted on the second page of the diploma.)

  1. Validate through the School website, https://services.student.ufl.edu/cediploma/validation or by clicking the link on the 2nd page of the CeDiploma and typing the necessary information where indicated.
  2. If you are using Adobe Reader or Acrobat 9.0 or higher, you will be able to view the Digital Signature which is shown at the top of the PDF, and is part of the overall security of the document. If the Digital Signature shows a Blue Ribbon it means that document has not been tampered with; any other symbol signifies the document cannot be trusted.
Please note: Other PDF/digital readers and some mobile devices may not be able to show the Digital Signature/Blue Ribbon.

Why does the certificate used to digitally sign the documents say CeCredential Trust?

CeCredential Trust is the branded name of the digital signature that the University of Florida’s vendor uses to digitally sign all CeDiplomas.

When I pull up my CeDiploma on my iPhone/iPad it only loads half way on the screen and then a line appears.

This issue is due to the version of your operating system on your tablet, or the PDF viewer that the browser is using to open the CeDiploma. In the case of the iPhone/iPad, updating to the most recent iOS operating system usually solves the problem.

I am using a web browser to open the PDF, but it will not open properly.

The CeDiploma is best viewed in Adobe Acrobat or Acrobat Reader. Some features may not be available when viewed in a web browser’s default viewer. Please change the default viewer in your web browser so that it utilizes Adobe Reader or Acrobat.

I have a hold on my record: can I receive my CeDiploma?

Requests from current or former students with unmet obligations to the University (e.g., holds) cannot be honored. To resolve financial holds, contact the Bursar’s Office.

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