Certified Electronic Credential Overview

The University of Florida now offers Certified Electronic Diplomas and Certificates (CeDiploma/CeCertificate)!

CeDiploma On Tablet

(Note: there is a $12.95 charge for this service)


  1. Log into the University of Florida Portal and click on the dropdown list in the Student Center
  2. Select the CeDiploma option and click on the arrow icon
  3. Click on the CeCredential Link at the bottom of the page

Key Benefits

  • More than a paper credential
    1. An official, secure and verifiable PDF version of your accomplishment!
  • Different from a transcript
    1. Unlimited sharing with family, friends, employers and social media.
    2. Proof of education with only the important details.
    3. Simple for employers to read and understand.
  • Better than an eDiploma
    1. Each credential provides a unique 12-digit CeDiD*.
    2. The CeDiD allows for instant proof of your accomplishment using Validation Services.
  • Enhances your resume
    1. Expedite the verification process by providing your CeDiD and validation URL on your resume.

*CeDiD (Certified Electronic Document Identifier)

Online Validation for Employers

Highly Secure:

  • Each CeDiploma and/or CeCertificate can be independently validated here by future employers, State Government Licensing Agencies and any other entity that wishes to validate your achievement.
  • The document is digitally signed and encrypted, providing greater trust and acceptance.
  • For security reasons, the electronic credential cannot be printed.

For More Information:


Certified Electronic Diplomas may not be available for all conferral dates.